Friday, July 27, 2007


In my last post, I mentioned someone who criticized my husband in the comments in another blog. Actually, this person is known on several of the blogs I read for throwing around criticsm of people, making broad statements and then not responding to requests to clarify his point -- and because he states that he is representing the beliefs and interest of a certain group, he makes that whole group look bad too.

This morning I was reading this Dov Bear post, and actually found three comments of this person that were intelligent and expressed in a style appropriate for an exchange of ideas. I even agreed with one of his points which others disagreed with, which was that one should use a respectful term when speaking of a rabbi and not call them "dude." It was such a difference - and would have been more so if not for two things:

1. His other comments were the same nasty stuff as always.

2. Everyone else is so used to how obnoxious he is that they did not respond intelligently to his good points. He has been tuned out by the rest of the group. So the great discussions that could have come from his positive comments won't happen.

"One must communicate and be WILLING to be communicated with." This is a great observation by my friend Jacob. If your goal is to communicate an idea, then you should think about whether the way you say it is actually getting your point across. if you just yell and swear, people just see some idiot yelling and swearing. They are not going to hear your words or be interested in hearing your words. Plus, some people will start to wonder if the beliefs you are trying to communicate are related to your bad attitude. Then they may think negatively about your cause as well.

I also like the second part - you must be open to receiving communication from others. If someone says something you disagree with and you just say "You're a heretic! You're stupid!" then what has been communicated?


Am Kshe Oref - A Stiff-Necked People said...

On the other hand, since 99% if the time, this person does criticize and make ridiculous statements, it's about time he was tuned out. It's good that almost no one (including me, your very own DH) responds to him any more. Maybe he will eventually troll on over to other blogs that are more of his "ilk" and leave the rest of us actually intelligent people alone...:)

Love you!!

Esther said...

That's exactly my point. Nothing he says is communication, it's just noise. And in the process, it makes the group he claims to represent look bad. In fact, other people from his own group have asked him to shut up.

Anonymous said...

This Jacob 'cat' sounds like a nice person who is trying to suck less. I think that is a good thing.


I gots to agree with Esther... all words are worth listening to... then process... and then assess whether to take them to heart or take them to the garden to fertilize